The World's Finest Assassin Wiki


Light Novel Volume 7 has been scheduled for July 29, 2022!

• Official English Light Novel Volume 5 will release on July 21, 2022 You can buy the book at here!

• Official English Manga Volume 3 will release on August 12, 2022 You can buy the book at here!


The World's Finest Assassin Wiki

Chapter 7.1 is the seventh chapter of the Manga series.


Lugh Tuatha Dé returns home after his two-year test in Milteu and Esri Tuatha Dé is delighted to see him. Tarte manages to save Lugh from being smothered by mentioning they need to speak to the master. Tarte and Esri talk while Lugh sees his father, Cian Tuatha Dé. Cian is proud of what Lugh as done seeing as how Orna is a top brand that everyone knows about. They all have dinner that night with Lugh cooking up his famous stew.

The following morning, Lugh wakes up to find his mother by his bedside. She was hoping he was having a wet dream like he had back in Milteau with Maha and Tarte. Esri also said a carrier pigeon came in from Milteu. It reads that Maha found a Sacred Treasure which Lugh hoped to further his magic and weapons against the hero. Lugh goes into his father's office ready to ask about something when Cian mentions that he's received a request to take out Dia Viekone.

Characters Introduced[]

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